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What is a Typical Timeline for an Online School Program?

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There Is No Timeline in an Online School Program.

The answer to this question is simple. An online school program should have no typical timeline. Granted there are some online programs that stick to strict academic calendars-some of the top virtual schools around today are choosing not to follow a typical timeline.

While this may seem like a chaotic way to approach online education, today’s technology allows for such a strategy to thrive because it provides the opportunity for learning to happen anywhere, anytime, anyplace. So if a student can access course material and speak to an instructor from any place at any time, why shouldn’t they be allowed to work at a time that best meets their needs?

The online environment is an ideal setting for creating a truly student-centered learning environment where meeting a student’s academic needs is paramount. In traditional educational settings, classes move along at a pre-determined pace, which means all students remain on the same playing field throughout instruction, regardless of abilities. Online school programs, like the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School, offer students the opportunity to set a pace appropriate to their individual learning styles. The entire education process is extremely transparent and flexible. Virtual schools like VLACS, take advantage of the power of today’s tech to create a student-centered learning environment where time and place are no longer barriers to learning.

“By choosing when these classes are “scheduled” throughout the day, it’s possible for an older student to devote the time and attention needed for their more difficult courses to those courses as necessary”

What Are the Advantages of a Virtual School: Student Perspective

Virtual Learning Academy or VLACS allows students immediate access to the entire curriculum for each course. With instructor approval, students can move through a course quickly. Students who need extra time to master concepts aren’t pushed to advance to the next chapter. Instead, they’re given the freedom to move ahead only when they feel they understand key concepts. The virtual learning approach ensures that students are able to learn at a pace best suited for them.

Here are a few perks of not having a typical timeline while enrolled in an online school program:

Instant Feedback – Technology allows virtual schools to give students unobstructed access to their teachers – thereby streamlining the learning process. Students receive quick answers to questions they ask in instant messages or emails. This personalized attention allows students to thrive and receive the help they need to excel. And when instructors are not available, students can access the academic helpdesk to get extra help or to have questions answered.

Quick Assessment – Unlike traditional schools, there is no waiting period for quarterly or semester grades. While it may require some time for an instructor to provide feedback, student grades are generally available 24/7, which means both parents and students can chart progress and modify educational plans as needed.

The Virtual Learning Academy also offers students a pace chart.  Students have the advantage of being able to see instructor expectations before starting the course, and this information allows the students to choose a traditional, extended, or accelerated pace.

While many virtual online schools have a specific timeline for completion, VLACS does not. It may take students more, less or the expected amount of time to graduate.  Students who may otherwise drop out of high school can continue with their education on a timeline that works for them.

Virtual education is entirely student-centered and positions the student for success.  An added benefit is that it teaches children self-discipline, course planning, and time management, which can be helpful if they plan to continue their studies at a college or university.

At VLACS, our students are our success stories. Students who enroll in our online program, either full-time or part-time, do so for a variety of reasons-whether it is for acceleration, remediation, or they simply just need more time to learn a particular subject.

And unlike most virtual schools, VLACS provides its students with a flexible learning timeline that ensures they are able to adequately comprehend course material in the amount of time that works for them. Attend an open house today to see if online learning with VLACS is right for you.