Earn some credits or explore an area of interest in a unique virtual format that lets you learn both online and through career exploration, hands-on projects, mentoring, and more.
Balance your academics with our flexible part-time program. Pursue your interests with specialized courses, engaging projects, and custom learning opportunities that fit your schedule and prepare you for college and career success.
Our part-time high school program gives you the opportunity to unleash your full potential — on your own terms. Whether you want to learn at your own pace, explore a special interest, get hands-on experience, or customize your schedule to accommodate your extracurricular interests, your options at VLACs are nearly limitless.
Our virtual high school courses provide flexible options to suit different learning styles and paces. Our holistic approach gives all students the support they need to succeed.
Parents are always encouraged to become involved in their student’s academic career at VLACS. You’ll have regular meetings with your student’s teachers, as well as receive regular communication and monthly progress reports. You can check on your student’s progress at any time through your VLACS parent account.
Virtual school doesn’t mean going it alone. You’ll get an instructor for each class you enroll in. You also have access to an academic help desk, a technical help desk, and a team of VLACs professional staff.
Our certified, experienced teachers provide one-on-one instruction, support, and feedback on a regular basis.
In many cases, our self-paced, competency-based learning model will meet your IEP requirements. If additional support is required, our staff works with your school district to create a positive learning experience. For New Hampshire residents, state law specifies that your resident district is responsible for ensuring compliance with IEPs, including financial responsibility.
Students socialize with fellow VLACS students during weekly group collaborations. During these engagements, students and instructors meet to complete group activities and explore themes. Examples include dance, meditation, nature, poetry, travel, and more.
Students have socialization opportunities through Career Connections webinars, job shadows, internships, and other real-world experiences.
Looking for advanced courses? How about kick-starting your college degree? You can take AP courses or begin earning credits toward college while still in high school.
There is no application process for part-time students, and enrollment is open on a rolling basis. As an accredited public charter school, our courses are free to New Hampshire residents. All others pay tuition based on their course load.
Have questions about how VLACS can support you and your child? Join us for a virtual open house to get all the information you need.
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