Projects allow students to demonstrate competence and understanding of concepts and skills by completing a career-related task. For example, the assignment might be to create a mural, a package design, a speech, a film review, or a movie set – you name it! These creative projects are about applying your learning acquired through in-depth research to real-world career tasks.
Each competency will be addressed through a project that is based on a real-life career task. Here are the careers you will explore: Literary Publicist, Atmospheric Scientist, Video Game Designer, Editor, Filmmaker, and Pediatrician.
You are a literary publicist for a popular author. Your author’s best seller has just been adapted into a movie. You are planning a book-signing tour to coincide with its release. To prepare for the tour, you have been asked to write a summary and plot diagram to send to the tour hosts. This will help to familiarize them with the text’s story elements, theme, and connection to the film.
You are an atmospheric scientist who studies natural disasters. Your team is hoping to educate the public about the cause and effect of these events so that communities can be better informed. To help with this, you’ve been asked to create a digital brochure to distribute to community groups to share information about a natural disaster.
You are a video game designer, and your company is launching a new story-driven game. Your task is to write a narrative that will be the framework for the game’s story. In your narrative, you’ll decide on a narrator and use the elements of a story, and dialogue, to build conflict. You’ll also get to determine how the game ends by writing the resolution.
You are a finalist for an editor position at a major publishing house. The editor-in-chief has asked each finalist to create a report showcasing their ability to review and analyze several different types of texts. You will review each text and analyze them for a variety of elements that you might encounter on the job.
You are an up-and-coming independent filmmaker. Recently, you’ve read a book that you think would make an excellent film. Now, you’ll need to create a movie pitch presentation that summarizes the book’s plot and conflict and sells the idea of an adaptation to your funders.
You are a pediatrician who works with kids of all ages. You have been asked to write an article for a parenting magazine about the impact of screen time on children and adolescents. In your article, you will take a stance on whether or not, and how much, screen time is healthy for your patients. Your article must include facts and statistics that prove your point and support your stance.