Middle School

Middle School Health

0.5 Credits
18 weeks
Woman in the dark at the open refrigerator

Middle School Health aids students in creating a foundation of personal health. Beginning with properly defining health, this course then builds upon basic health practices to emphasize the importance of balance. Attention is given to each of the six dimensions of wellness; namely, physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental. Students are taught the skills necessary to improve every aspect of health. They are also encouraged to reflect upon their own personal wellness each week.

Major Topics and Concepts

Unit 1: Holistic Health

  • 1.1 What is Health?
  • 1.2 Decision-Making Skills

Unit 2: Mental Health

  • 2.1 Mental Health
  • 2.2 Coping Skills
  • 2.3 Stress & Time Management

Unit 3: Social Health

  • 3.1 Healthy Relationships
  • 3.2 Communication

Unit 4: Personal Fitness

  • 4.1 Physical Wellness
  • 4.2 Nutrition
  • 4.3 Weight Management

Unit 5: Personal Health

  • 5.1 Disease Transmission & Prevention
  • 5.2 Drugs & Alcohol
  • 5.3 Reproductive Health

Unit 6: Health & Safety

  • 6.1 Consumer & Environmental Wellness
  • 6.2 Safety & Personal Injury


Health Choices

Students will demonstrate an understanding of health choices by describing healthy habits, explaining life cycle stages, and describing decision-making skills.

Mental Well-being

Students will demonstrate an understanding of mental well-being by explaining mental health, describing coping skills, and explaining stress and time management.

Social Health

Students will demonstrate an understanding of social health by describing healthy relationships and explaining social communication.

Personal Fitness

Students will demonstrate an understanding of personal fitness by describing physical wellness, explaining nutrition, and describing weight management.

Personal Health

Students will demonstrate an understanding of personal health by describing disease transmission and prevention, describing drugs and alcohol, and explaining reproductive health.

Consumer Wellness

Students will demonstrate an understanding of health and safety by describing health for consumers and explaining personal safety precautions.