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How VLACS Turns Flexibility into an Academic Superpower

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At VLACS, students are given a unique "superpower" – the ability to shape their own educational journey. This flexibility empowers them to take charge of their learning, explore diverse subjects, and create a schedule that suits their academic and personal interests.

For Garima Rastogi, a 2024 VLACS graduate, this superpower allowed her to dive into a wide range of interests, from exploring advanced courses to co-founding a math club. As she heads to MIT to study neuroscience and data science, Garima reflects on how VLACS enabled her to fully explore her passions and prepare for the future.

Garima's journey with VLACS began long before she became a full-time student.

"I became a VLACS student in late elementary school," she recalls. "I remember one of the first courses I took was middle school Spanish."

What started as a way to supplement her homeschooling soon turned into a full-time commitment by seventh grade. The flexibility and extensive course catalog offered by VLACS allowed Garima to balance her academic pursuits with her passions.

Exploring a World of Possibilities

One of the aspects of VLACS that Garima found most exciting was the vast array of courses available. "VLACS has such an amazing curriculum. Every single time I would open up the learning catalog to choose my courses, especially in high school, I'd be so excited by the variety of offerings. I wanted to do everything."

This desire to explore led Garima to take a wide range of courses, from Management to a Law and Order class, where she wrote a script for a mock trial.

"I think that the mock trial really stuck out to me because it made me look into what an actual court trial would look like. I really love studying law, and that course really helped me take a deep dive and explore what that career field could be like."

Garima's exploration didn't stop there. It was through VLACS that she discovered her passion for data science and neuroscience, the fields she plans to study at MIT.

"VLACS gave me the option to go beyond my regular course curriculum. I took AP Psychology, and that's where my interest in psychology started, leading to my interest in neuroscience. I discovered data science through VLACS's E-START program, and I found it to be one of the coolest subjects ever."

Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars as an Online Student

Garima’s love for math has been a defining part of her academic journey. This passion extended beyond the classroom when she and her brothers founded the Mathemagicians Club, designed to help local students prepare for math competitions. Together, they contributed to the club's rapid growth, which soon expanded to offer private tutoring and even hosted its own interschool math competitions.

Reflecting on the club’s accomplishments, Garima proudly shares, "We've had six students over the years qualify for MATHCOUNTS Nationals, with two of the students qualifying this past year."

The growth and success of the Mathemagicians Club were fueled by Garima’s dedication and collaborative effort with her brothers.

She explains, "There were times when the club required more of our attention, especially during interschool competitions. Being a VLACS student, I could communicate with my teachers and say, 'I need to slow down my pace this week,' and they were understanding and accommodating."

Additionally, Garima was able to take classes at her local high school, specifically taking science courses that offered in-person lab components. This allowed her to participate in hands-on, experiment-heavy classes that complemented her online education, providing a unique blend of both learning environments.

When managing her schoolwork alongside extracurricular activities, Garima found that thoughtful planning was crucial.

"I've used a planner throughout all four years of high school, and it's been incredibly helpful for managing everything. Plus, the pace charts at VLACS make it easy to organize your schedule and adapt it to your needs."

Garima emphasizes the importance of making the most of the opportunities VLACS offers.

"Whether it's starting courses in the summer or finishing a month earlier than a traditional school year, you have the ability to shape your learning experience. It’s quite flexible—you can structure your courses however you want. The key is time management, which comes from using tools like a planner."

Supportive Teachers and Advisors

At VLACS, the strong connections between students and educators play a crucial role in shaping academic success and personal growth. For Garima, these relationships were integral to her journey.

She fondly remembers several teachers who made a lasting impact on her education.

"One of the teachers that comes to mind was my AP Calculus teacher. I've known her since ninth grade. She has been one of the most supportive teachers I've ever had." Garima recalls how her teacher would spend time discussing her projects and interests, even after their classes had ended.

"We've been in constant contact. I emailed her very recently, and she's just been there to support me through all of my high school, even though I haven't had her as a teacher recently."

Garima also speaks highly of her advisor, a certified educator assigned to students in the full-time VLACS program. Garima’s advisor provided guidance and encouragement throughout her high school journey.

"We'd have monthly meetings, and I would just start talking about all of the programs I was a part of. She would offer advice, suggestions, and words of encouragement. All of my teachers have given me that space to tell them about extracurriculars, other academics – whatever I was interested in."

These connections were not just limited to academic check-ins. Garima describes how her teachers would engage with her on a personal level, sharing their own knowledge and experiences.

"The monthly meetings are a great space to get to know your teacher as well. I took AP Psychology, and after the DBA, my teacher would often tell me about psychology case studies because she knew I was interested in the subject."

The Road to MIT

Garima's hard work and dedication have led her to attend one of the most prestigious institutions in the world—MIT, a dream that began in seventh grade.

"I knew I wanted to go to MIT the first time I set foot on campus. There was a spark in the air. and I said to my mom immediately, 'This is where I want to go to college.'"

The path to MIT was paved with hard work, determination, and the support of VLACS. Garima believes that her experience as a full-time VLACS student has prepared her for the challenges ahead.

"One thing my brother tells me about college is that it's one of those times you have to understand your own limits and set them yourself. I think being a full-time VLACS student that's the same thing. You have to understand where a number of courses are too many, and where you can handle something and where you can't."

She also credits VLACS with teaching her valuable time management skills and helping her understand her own likes and dislikes.

"Time management and trying to understand my own limits, such as not taking too many classes, are the main learnings that I'm hoping I will carry with me to college."

A Bright Future Ahead

As Garima prepares to embark on her journey at MIT, she remains grounded in the lessons she learned at VLACS. Her experience is a testament to the power of online education and the opportunities it can provide for students to explore their passions, manage their time effectively, and receive support from dedicated educators.

For Garima, VLACS was more than just a school—it was a place where she could pursue her interests, build meaningful connections, and prepare for the future.

Reflecting on her time there, she shares, "You can literally shape your own high school. You shape the classes you want to take. You shape what your schedule looks like. It gives you that superpower."

She adds, "If it had not been for VLACS, I don't think I would have been able to do so much exploration academically."

If you are interested in leveraging the same flexibility and personalized learning experience that helped Garima achieve her dreams, enroll at VLACS!

With the ability to shape your education, set your own pace, and pursue your passions, the possibilities are endless.

Join VLACS today and start building the future you've always envisioned.