Equal opportunity fund
The VLACS Equal Opportunity Fund provides financial assistance to New Hampshire full-time VLACS students and adult learners to support their goals. Explore funding opportunities below and apply today!
Take the next step toward your academic, career, and life goals and apply for any of the following financial aid awards.
The Technology Assistance Fund provides laptops and/or internet access to New Hampshire-resident full-time VLACS students whose families do not have sufficient financial resources to purchase these technologies.
Eligibility: Students in grades K-12 living in New Hampshire and enrolled in our full-time program who demonstrate a financial need.
This award is open to graduating students who exhibit a love of learning and embody the qualities of optimism, determination, and courage. Funds, up to $1,500, may be used for expenses connected to their post-graduate educational and career goals. This may include covering expenses for things such as certification or licensing courses or exam fees, launching a business, acquiring necessary equipment for career pursuits, or expenses related to post-secondary education.
Eligibility: New Hampshire-resident full-time students within three months of graduating. Students must be enrolled in the full-time program for a minimum of three months before they become eligible to apply.
For juniors and seniors enrolled in a VLACS Experience, these funds (up to $500) may be used for activities or projects related to the Experience that connects with the goals they are developing in their future plan.
Eligibility: New Hampshire-resident, full-time K-12 VLACS students who are juniors or seniors enrolled in an Experience, preparing to enroll in an Experience, or graduating seniors.
This award offers tuition assistance to adults seeking their high school diploma.
Eligibility: Adult students who do not have a diploma and are residents of New Hampshire demonstrating a financial need.
This award offers tuition assistance to adults enrolling in college preparation courses or courses that prepare students for an industry certification.
Eligibility: Adult students who are residents of New Hampshire.
Access to education should not be determined by income. With the help of the VLACS Equal Opportunity Fund, New Hampshire students can get the necessary support to pursue their dreams.
While there are many different ways we can support your goals, here are a few examples of funding opportunities.
Please consider joining us in our initiative to provide financial support to students and adults who need assistance achieving their educational and career goals.