Get ready to be inspired, create two-dimensional art, and define your own art story. In this course, you will experiment with media and techniques to create a variety of artworks as you develop skills in drawing, painting, and more! You’ll explore artworks to understand how to use the elements of art and principles of design to plan, create, and reflect on your own art. There are supplies you’ll need to purchase for this class, but don’t worry. You have choices in what you can use.
Segment One
- investigate the elements of art and principles of design
- explore personal and ethical responsibility when creating works of art
- examine appropriate conduct in different art venues
- experiment with different materials to practice drawing
- identify how to care for art materials and tools
- explore how to draw different lines, shapes, and forms
- explore how to create value in drawings
- draw three-dimensional forms
- identify the characteristics of a cohesive composition
- experiment with one-point perspective
- use the artistic process to create a drawing
- explore different techniques artists use to plan drawings
- explore how to create value with black and color
- identify methods artists use to set up drawing scenes
- explore color theory
- draw overlapping objects with color and value
- experiment with different materials to create collage
- experiment with drawing human facial features from photographs
- reflect on and discuss your artistic process and goals with your instructor
- use the artistic process to create a face portrait with added collage
Segment Two
- experiment with different materials to practice painting
- explore different painting and color-mixing techniques
- explore how to paint value with forms
- practice painting realistic texture
- use the artistic process to create a painting
- explore other tools artists use to apply paint
- experiment with mixing paint and color combinations
- explore how artists create landscapes
- experiment with different methods of printmaking
- create different prints with the same matrix
- use the artistic process to create a print
- experiment with different materials to create mixed media
- explore how artists convey meaning in their works
- experiment with creating alternative surfaces
- analyze an artwork to determine its meaning
- experiment with unfamiliar media
- combine different media to practice creating mixed media
- reflect on and discuss your artistic process and goals with your instructor
- use the artistic process to create a mixed media work
- create an artist statement to reflect on your work and how it conveys the intended meaning