Dive into the rich diversity of Hispanic culture across the globe by exploring the tastes, sights, and sounds of this dynamic language that reflects triumph, struggle, celebration, and so much more. During this cultural journey, you’ll improve conversational, vocabulary, and writing skills through authentic tasks. Short of obtaining a passport, there is no better way to discover new lands, peoples, or experiences. Take your Spanish language abilities to the next level!
Segment 1
Segment 2
Students will demonstrate an understanding of preterit vs. imperfect, SABER vs. CONOCER, and relative pronouns by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as Hispanic culture and Spanish-speaking historical figures in the United States.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of future verb forms, SER and ESTAR, the present progressive, reflexive vs. reciprocal actions, por vs. para and command verb forms by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as planning a trip, being a global citizen, and global etiquette.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of impersonal and passive voices with SE, the present and future perfect tenses, and GUSTAR-like verbs by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as transportation, hospitality, and idioms and slang.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the subjunctive mood, the conditional tense, and prepositions of location by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as personal experiences and types of art and artists from the Spanish-speaking world.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of subjunctive vs. indicative moods and the passive voice by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as Hispanic culture and literature.