High School

French 3b Honors

0.5 Credits
18 weeks
french student staring at Eiffel tower in paris

Projects allow students to demonstrate competence and understanding of concepts and skills by completing a career-related task. For example, the assignment might be to create a mural, a package design, a speech, a film review, or a movie set – you name it! These creative projects are about applying your learning acquired through in-depth research to real-world career tasks.

Each competency will be addressed through a project based on a real-life career task. Here are the careers you will explore: College Admissions Recruiter, Wellness Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, and Museum Educator.


College Admissions Recruiter

You will take on the role of a college admissions recruiter, tasked with creating an engaging promotional video or webinar in French to recruit French-speaking students from various Francophone countries to attend your college or university.

Required Materials

18 weeks

Wellness Coordinator

You will take on the role of a wellness coordinator for a business of your choice, tasked with creating a healthy lifestyle communication of your choice.

Fundraising Coordinator

You will take on the role of a fundraising coordinator for a francophone historical organization, tasked with creating a case for support to help raise funds for a francophone site or cause of your choice related to francophone theater, cinema, or music.

Museum Educator

You will take on the role of a museum educator, tasked with creating a proposal, in French, for an educational exhibit that focuses on francophone art and its connection to francophone literature.


Simple Future and Conditional Verb Forms

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the futur simple and the conditionnel verb forms integrated with conjunctions of time and si clauses by interpreting and communicating cultural and community-related information such as college and career opportunities and future planning, in written and spoken French

Present Subjunctive Mood with Impersonal Expressions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the present subjunctive mood and impersonal expressions by interpreting and communicating cultural and community information related to needs and obligations on topics such as health, body parts, and medical terms in written and spoken French.

Past Conditional Mood, Passive Voice, and Relative Pronouns

Students will demonstrate an understanding of French verbs in the past conditional mood and the passive voice, and relative pronouns by interpreting and communicating cultural and community-related information such as francophone theater, cinema, and music in written and spoken French.

Francophone Culture and Expressing Opinions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of Francophone culture and how to express opinions in French by using comparative and superlative constructions, ordinal numbers, and multiple verb moods and tenses, to interpret and communicate information on Francophone topics such as art and literature in written and spoken French.