High School

French 3 (Honors)

1 Credit
36 weeks

Continue your journey in the exploration of the French language and the richness of its diverse cultures. In the French 3 Honors course, you will sharpen the increased listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills you acquired in French 1 and 2. Communication remains the main focus through speaking, listening, writing, and reading. You will dive a little deeper into the francophone culture and apply what you learn through written practice and listening, reading, and speaking exercises.

Major Topics and Concepts

Major Topics and Concepts:
Segment One:
SHOE verbs
Famous francophones in the United States
Present progressive
Savoir vs connaître
French last name and cities in the United States
Verb venir with preposition
Relative pronouns
Canadian settlers
Reflexive verbs
Francophone organizations
Francophone Historical Contributions
French-speaking people in the world that have influenced culture around the world
Passé composé
Historical francophone figures who still have global influence in the present
Usage of the imparfait and passé composé
Science and inventions from the francophone world
Question formation with inversion
Getting ready for a trip
Reciprocal verbs
Local customs/respectful behaviors
Interrogative and demonstrative adjectives
Vacations destination in francophone countries
Airport and hotel vocabulary
Future tense
Direct object pronouns
Alternative lodging in francophone countries
Adjectives and expressions of emotions
Expressions with être and avoir
Adverb formation
Narrative essay
Giving advice
Listening practice
Segment Two:
Means of transportation
Prepositions pour and par
City vocabulary
Pronoun Y
How to get around a foreign country
Food and drinks
Pronoun en with quantity
Comparatives with adverbs
Specialties from francophone countries
Celebrations across francophone countries
Pronoun on
Verbs that become adjectives
Compare and contrast essay
Ancient cultures and civilizations
Interrogative and demonstrative pronouns
Francophone art
Subjunctive mood
Subjunctive conjugation
Art movements
Subjunctive with wish, emotion, desire, doubt
Art through history
Conjunctions with subjunctive
Persuasive essay
Careers related to art
Indirect object pronouns
Literary forms
Samples of French literature
Interrogative with subjunctive
Negative with subjunctive
French poetry
Francophone African literature
Impersonal expressions with subjunctive
Idiomatic expressions
Francophone myths and legends
Francophone theatre
Superlative with subjunctive
Literary Movements across centuries
Ordinal numbers
Irregular verbs

Course Materials

Course Assessment and Participation Requirements:
To achieve success, students are expected to submit work in each course weekly. Students can learn at their own pace; however, “any pace” still means that students must make progress in the course every week. To measure learning, students complete self-checks, practice lessons, multiple-choice questions, Discussion-Based Assessments, discussions, and projects. Students are expected to maintain regular contact with teachers; the minimum requirement is monthly. When teachers, students, and parents work together, students are successful.


Stem Changing Verbs, Present Progressive, Connaître vs. Savoir, Relative Pronouns, and Conditional Tense

Students will demonstrate an understanding of stem changing verbs, connaître vs. savoir, present progressive, relative pronouns, and conditional tense by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as the francophone influence in the United States.

Imperfect, Passé-composé, Inversion with Question Words

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the imperfect, passé-composé, and inversion with question words by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as francophone influential francophone people and French colonization.

Reflexive vs. reciprocal actions, Future Tenses, Si Clauses, Direct Object Pronouns, Regular and irregular Adjectives and Adverbs

Students will demonstrate an understanding of reflexive vs. reciprocal actions, future tenses, si clauses, direct object pronouns, regular and irregular adjectives and adverbs by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as traveling to a francophone country

Prepositions Pour and Par, Adverbial Object Pronouns, Expressions of Quantity, and Comparatives and Superlatives

Students will demonstrate an understanding of prepositions pour and par, adverbial object pronouns, expressions of quantity, and comparatives and superlatives by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as francophone culture, traditions and celebrations.

Prepositions Pour and Par, Adverbial Object Pronouns, Expressions of Quantity, and Comparatives and Superlatives

Students will demonstrate an understanding of prepositions pour and par, adverbial object pronouns, expressions of quantity, and comparatives and superlatives by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as francophone culture, traditions and celebrations.

Subjunctive with Negatives and Interrogatives, Subjunctive with Superlatives and Conjunctions, Idiomatic Expressions, Irregular Verbs, and Ordinal Numbers

Students will demonstrate an understanding of subjunctive with negatives, subjunctive with interrogatives, subjunctive with conjunctions,idiomatic expressions, irregular verbs, and ordinal numbers by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as francophone literature.