Adult Ed

Adult Education GED Test Prep - Social Studies

1 Credit
$105 for 28 days of access- students extend enrollment as needed
Washington Capital

GED® Tutorials are based on content frameworks for the 2014 GED Test and current specifications and provide students a less stressful and more successful preparation effort as they work to achieve a GED passing score.

GED Tutorials offer targeted instruction, practice and review. Students engage with the content in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through GED test aligned modules. Students will practice skills essential to the test they’re preparing for and build the depth of knowledge, confidence, and higher order skills required to demonstrate mastery when put to the test.

In each module, the Learn It and Try It make complex ideas accessible to students through focused content, guided analysis, and practice with personalized feedback so students are empowered to increase their Exam Readiness. The Review It offers an engaging and high impact video summary of key concepts and important to grasp connections. The Test It assesses students’ mastery of the module’s concepts, providing granular performance data to students and teachers, linking a student’s performance to GED reporting categories and reasoning indicators. To help students focus on the content most relevant to them, unit-level pretests and posttests can quickly identify where students are ready for test day and where they need to continue their review and practice.

This Tutorial is aligned with 2014 assessment content from GED Testing Service and content area assessment targets for Mathematics test sections.

GED® is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education (“ACE”).

Cost: Students purchase 28 days of access for $105. Students may work as quickly through the content as they wish. Every 28 days, students may purchase an additional 28 days of access for an additional $105.

Major Topics and Concepts

Unit 1: Social Studies Practices

Unit 2: Civics and Government

Unit 3: US History

Unit 4: Economics


Social Studies Practices

Students will demonstrate an understanding of social studies practices by describing historical sources, explaining chronological thinking, and analyzing historical information.

U.S. Political Systems

Students will demonstrate an understanding of U.S. political systems by explaining foundational government documents, describing the branches of the federal government, and explaining civic participation.

Foundations of U.S. History

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the foundations of U.S. history by explaining key U.S. historical events, describing political movements, and analyzing the impact of historical events.

Economic Fundamentals

Students will demonstrate an understanding of economic fundamentals by explaining economic principles, describing economic systems, and analyzing the influence of government on an economy.