Adult Ed

Adult Education Consumer Math

1.0 Credit
$105 for 28 days of access- students extend enrollment as needed
woman using a laptop and going through paperwork while working from home
Consumer Mathematics will apply math and problem-solving skills to everyday, real-world scenarios involving money. Students will use math and algebra operations to understand how money is earned, spent, and saved. Students will discover valuable skills to make themselves savvy and conscientious consumers in today’s global market.
Students will travel through a life span and explore how money can shape their life. They will learn about earning, saving, and spending so that they can make their money work for them! They will explore different career paths and education options. They will make sense of taxes, insurance, and income. They will buy their first car, rent an apartment, or get a mortgage. They will see how smart shopping at the grocery store and sticking to a budget can lead to a dream vacation! Students will learn to wisely manage money all the way through their retirement years.
Cost: Students purchase 28 days of access for $105. Students may work as quickly through the content as they wish. Every 28 days, students may purchase an additional 28 days of access for an additional $105.

Major Topics and Concepts

Module 01Teenage Years/Earner and Consumer
  • create and solve expressions and equations related to income
  • apply percent calculations to situations involving saving and spending money
  • calculate costs related to transportation
  • use math practices and skills to make informed consumer decisions
Module 02Life and Money After High School
  • create and solve expressions and equations related to income
  • apply percent calculations to situations involving borrowing and paying back student loans and credit cards
  • calculate costs related to earning potential, education, and credit
  • use math practices and skills to make informed consumer decisions
Module 03Cost of Living/ Young Adult Earner and Consumer
  • create and solve expressions, equations, and inequalities related to living on your own
  • apply percent calculations, pie graphs, and bar graphs to situations involving saving and spending money
  • calculate costs related to monthly expenses
  • use unit rates, proportions, math practices, and skills to make informed consumer decisions
  • create and solve equations to help you save your money effectively
Module 04Home Sweet Home/Adult Earner and Consumer
  • create and solve expressions and equations related to credit score
  • apply math practices, use graphs, and use equations to analyze renting or buying property
  • calculate costs related to mortgage loans
  • use geometric formulas to determine costs of materials
  • use math practices and skills to make informed consumer decisions
Module 05Big Spending/Adult Earner and Consumer
  • create and solve expressions and equations related to starting and growing your own business
  • analyze quadratic function graphs and apply percent calculations to situations involving growing your own business
  • create and solve proportions related to temperature, currency, and measurement conversions
  • use probability to determine the chances of winning
  • create and solve equations and expressions to recognize and avoid financial pitfalls
  • use unit rates, proportions, math practices, and skills to make informed consumer decisions
Module 06Retirement
  • create and solve expressions and equations to determine taxable income
  • apply formulas to calculate and understand tax rates
  • create and solve expressions and equations to determine total retirement income and income from a pension and Social Security
  • calculate costs related to monthly expenses in retirement, including total medical costs
  • write linear functions that model line of best fit on a scatterplot to better understand inflation
  • create and solve systems of equations related to savings, distance, and cost comparisons


Teenage Consumer Decision Making

Students will demonstrate an understanding of teenage consumer decision making by summarizing aspects of earning money, explaining aspects of banking, and solving spending and saving calculations.

Education Consumer Decision Making

Students will demonstrate an understanding of education consumer decision making by explaining career path earnings potential, explaining education path costs, and solving education cost calculations.

The Cost of Living Independently

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the cost of living independently by explaining the cost of living expenses, comparing spending and saving, and solving cost of living calculations.

Home Expenses Decision Making

Students will demonstrate an understanding of home expenses decision making by explaining credit scores, comparing the cost of renting and buying, and solving home cost calculations.

Costs of Financial Opportunities

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the costs of financial opportunities by summarizing business startup costs, explaining foreign currency conversions and solving conversion calculations.

Retirement Decision Making

Students will demonstrate an understanding of retirement decision making by comparing different types of retirement income, explaining taxes in retirement, and solving retirement calculations.