Full-Time Elementary Admissions

Your Path to Full-Time Virtual Education Starts Here.

Complete our application process to make VLACS your child’s full-time elementary school.

Getting Started

Full-Time Elementary School Application Process

If you want to register your K-5 student full-time at VLACS, follow the steps below to get started. Our admissions staff will work with you to complete the full application requirements and make sure you understand all the opportunities available to your child at VLACS.

Create account
1. Create Your Accounts

You will need to create accounts for yourself and your student. Use the link below and select Account Creation and then choose New Student.

Please note that our systems require students and parents to have different email addresses.

2. Choose Courses

Sign in to your student’s account and click Academic Info > Request a course. Filter your search to find the courses you are interested in and select “+” to submit the request. To be considered for full-time registration, you will need to enroll your child in three courses.

3. Complete the Full-Time Application

The application is non-competitive. After you have completed the application, VLACS will contact you to complete the rest of the full-time registration process. Please note that your child will not be officially registered until the process outlined below is completed.

Need some help? Let us walk you through the process.

What Happens Next?

After you create an account, choose your child’s courses, and complete the full-time student application, your child is not yet officially registered. VLACS will contact you to help complete the rest of the process.

  • VLACS will request your child’s transcripts from their previous school. We will reach out if there are any issues.
  • We will enroll your child in the Admissions Information Overview, to be completed by a guardian.
  • We will contact you to schedule a meeting with an Admissions Counselor.
  • Your student will work consistently in their enrolled courses for four consecutive weeks.
  • We will provide the “Understanding of Full-Time Registration Agreement” and the Full-Time Registration Paperwork for you to complete.
  • Welcome to the Full-Time Program!

Full-Time Elementary School Course Requirements

Full-time elementary school students must enroll in a minimum of three courses. Elementary classes are numbered to indicate the grade level at which the course is typically taken. When appropriate, there may be flexibility/discretion involved in course selections. Keep in mind that placements will determine grade level.

Specials are not full-year courses. Enrollment in these courses can be dispersed throughout the year. Students do not need to take them all at once unless they would like to. Full-time students are required to take a core academic course in each of the disciplines listed below during each year of K-5 enrollment.

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • Technology
  • Art

Attend a Virtual Open House

Have questions about how VLACS can support you and your child? Join us for a virtual open house to get all the information you need.