Adult Ed

Adult Education Spanish 2

1.0 Credit
$105 for 28 days of access- students extend enrollment as needed

In Spanish II, students travel virtually through Central America and the Caribbean, spending time in museums, traffic jams, and even the hospital. In this course, students broaden their Spanish vocabulary and their knowledge of grammar. They meet people from many different countries and cultures. While waiting for the plane ride home, students also meet some Spanish-speaking people from different parts of the United States.

The purpose of this course is to strengthen Spanish listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students also experience the beauty and expressiveness of a language that is shared by different people and cultures throughout the world.

Cost: Students purchase 28 days of access for $105. Students may work as quickly through the content as they wish. Every 28 days, students may purchase an additional 28 days of access for an additional $105.


Note: content varies depending on course version. For currently enrolled students, please refer to the syllabus located in the course information area for curriculum specifics.

Major Topics and Concepts

Segment 1

  • Miami and the Hispanic Influence in Florida
    • Cuban Culture influence in Miami
    • Table setting
    • Food
    • Furniture
    • Clothing
    • Colors
    • Ordinal Numbers
    • Entertainment
    • Sports and Recreation
    • Weather Expressions
    • Library and Classroom objects
    • Family Members
    • Cognates
    • Accent marks
    • Subject pronouns
    • Present tense
    • –ar,-er, & -ir verbs
    • Verb: hay
    • Present tense Irregular verbs: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Tener, Traer, Ir, Ser, Estar, Tener, Venir
    • Nouns and Adjectives: gender, number, and agreement
    • Verb: Gustar
    • Present tense Stem-Changing verbs: e-ie, o-ue
    • Present tense Irregular verb: Dar
    • Indirect Object Pronouns
    • Possessive Adjectives
    • Questions Words
  • The Coast of Mexico
    • Yucatan
    • Mayans
    • The Body
    • Toiletries
    • Time telling vs. time of activities (son las vs. a las)
    • Present tense Regular Reflexive verbs and Pronouns
    • Present tense stem-changing reflexive verbs
    • Irregular Present tense verbs: Ser & Estar
  • The Interior of Mexico
    • Tenochtitlan
    • Aztecs
  • Hotel & Vacation
    • Preterite tense of Regular –ar verbs
    • Preterite tense of verbs with spelling changes: -car,-zar, -gar
    • Preterite verbs
    • Making payments vocabulary
    • Cleaning vocabulary
    • Irregular preterite verbs
    • The culture of Guatemala
    • The superlative adjectives
    • Post office vocabulary
    • Computer vocabulary
    • Telephone vocabulary
    • Conocer y Saber
    • Negative Expressions
    • Nobel Peace Prize winners, Asturias and Menchú
    • The Culture of Costa Rica
    • Animal vocabulary
    • The imperfect tense
    • Irregular imperfect verbs
    • Comparisons with adjectives
    • Comparisons with adverbs
    • Demonstrative adjectives

Segment 2

  • The culture of Panama
  • Car/traffic/driving vocabulary
  • Comparisons
  • Superlatives
  • Preterite vs Imperfect
  • The culture of Colombia and Venezuela
  • Bio of Milka Duno
  • Body part/hospital/illness vocabulary
  • Imperatives
  • Dolerse
  • Direct/indirect/double object pronouns
  • The culture of Puerto Rico/Cuba/La República Dominicana
  • Famous Hispanic artists
  • Art/movie vocabulary
  • Gustar and gustar like verbs
  • Future tense
  • Irregular future tense verbs
  • Places in the US with Spanish names
  • English words with Spanish origins
  • Currency of other countries
  • Famous Hispanic Americans
  • Airport vocabulary
  • Phrases indicating time
  • Hace/que in present and preterite
  • Acabar de
  • Present progressive
  • Past progressive




ESTAR + Prepositions, Comparatives, TENER que, Informal Commands, and Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

Students will demonstrate an understanding of Estar + prepositions, comparatives, TENER que, informal commands, and direct and indirect object pronouns by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as the community, parts of a car, errands, directions, careers, and volunteering.

Preterite Tense and Command Verb Forms

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the preterite tense and command verb forms by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as health and medical concerns.

Regular, Irregular, and Reflexive Verbs in the Present Tense

Students will demonstrate an understanding of reflexive, regular and irregular verbs in the present tense by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as body parts, clothing, and daily routines. 

Imperfect Tense, Demonstrative and Superlative Adjectives

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the imperfect tense and demonstrative and superlative adjectives by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as childhood stories, music toys, and games in the Spanish-speaking world. 

Preterite Stem Changing Verbs and Imperfect vs. Preterite Tenses

Students will demonstrate an understanding of preterite stem-changing verbs and imperfect vs. preterite tenses by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as vacations. 

Progressive Tenses, SABER vs. CONOCER and Future Tense

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the progressive tenses, SABER vs. CONOCER and the future tense by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken Spanish on topics such as the environment and animals.