High School

Marine Science (lab)/Marine Science Honors (lab)

1.0 Credit
36 weeks
Underwater shot of vivid coral reef with fishes

As our amazing planet continues to change over time, it becomes increasingly apparent how human activity has made environmental impacts. In the marine science course, students will delve deep into Earth’s bodies of water and study geologic structures and how they impact the oceans. Students will investigate the characteristics of various populations, patterns of distribution of life in our aquatic systems, and ongoing changes occurring every day in our precious ecosystems. Students will be amazed and enlightened at just how much our oceans and lakes affect climate, weather, and seasonal variations.  They will have the opportunity to explore the relationships among living organisms and see how they are affected by our oceans’ currents, tides, and waves. Hold on, it is one amazing journey.



Major Topics and Concepts

Segment 1

  • Scientific Method
  • Writing a Hypothesis
  • Designing an Experiment
  • Properties of Water
  • Science of Navigation
  • Ocean Exploration
  • Rocky Shore Ecosystem
  • Introduction to Crustaceans
  • Ocean Zones
  • Sea Turtles (rehabilitation and migration)
  • Shrimp Industry
  • Sandy Beach Ecosystem
  • Beach Erosion Control
  • Marine Pollution
  • Introduction to Marine Phytoplankton
  • Organism Adaptations
  • Energy and Food Webs
  • Human Impact on the Marine Environment

Segment 2

  • Characteristics of Ocean Surface Currents
  • El Niño Southern Oscillation Phenomenon
  • Hurricane
  • Penguins and a study of their insulating properties
  • Antarctic (Research and Ecology)
  • Coral Reefs
  • History of the Aqualung
  • Exploring the Classes of Mollusks
  • Importance and Characteristics of Estuaries
  • Mangrove Ecosystem
  • Nutrients in the Marine Environment
  • Exploring the Ocean’s Abyss
  • Causes of Waves and Tides
  • Plate Tectonics
  • Exploring the Classes of Fish
  • Marine Mammal Characteristics and Adaptations
  • Exploration of Kelp and its Importance
  • Keystone Species
  • The Destructive Practices in the Fishing Industry
  • Human Impact on the Marine Environment




Ocean Properties

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean properties by describing the study of aquatic ecosystems, describing the abiotic and biotic factors of aquatic ecosystems, and explaining the properties of seawater.

Ocean and Atmosphere Interactions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean and atmosphere interactions by describing the theory of plate tectonics and ocean formation, explaining the impacts of weather, explaining the impacts of climate, and explaining the relationship between ocean and atmosphere.

Ocean Movement

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean movement by explaining types of seasonal and successional change, describing elements of ocean energy, and describing coastline dynamics.

Ocean Life

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean life by explaining marine biodiversity and natural selection, describing characteristics of marine populations, and analyzing interactions within marine habitats.

Ocean Interactions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean interactions by describing connections between marine ecosystems and energy exchange, explaining relationships among marine organisms, and describing the human impact on the marine environment.


Students will demonstrate an understanding of conservation by explaining marine conservation issues, analyzing types of marine resources, and describing the protection of the ocean.


Projects allow students to demonstrate competence and understanding of concepts and skills by completing a career-related task. For example, the assignment might be to create a mural, a package design, a speech, a film review, or a movie set – you name it! These creative projects are about applying your learning acquired through in-depth research to real-world career tasks.

Each competency will be addressed through a project that is based on a real-life career task. Here are the careers you will explore:  Marine Civil Engineer, Climatologist, Park Naturalist, Ecotourism Guide, Charterboat Captain, and NOAA Officer.


Marine Civil Engineer

You will take on the role of a marine civil engineer for an architectural company, tasked with creating a presentation for a meeting with an environmental group.


You will take on the role of a climatologist for an environmental consulting firm, tasked with creating an informative display to share at the conference.

Park Naturalist

You will take on the role of a park naturalist for Acadia National Park, tasked with creating a tour guide script about changes that can affect energy systems within marine ecosystems and the effects of tides, waves, and currents on coastal dynamics.

Ecotourism Guide

You will take on the role of an ecotourism guide working for a tour company to raise awareness on marine biodiversity and you will build your tour descriptions into an informative brochure that can be accessed online and reviewed by future guests.

Charterboat Captain

You will take on the role of a charterboat captain on an eco-friendly fishing charter, tasked with creating a video for guests that reviews and educates on safe practices for commercial fishing and the reasons behind these practices.

NOAA Officer

You will take on the role of an officer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, tasked with creating an informational newsletter examining marine conservation issues and the importance of protecting the ocean.


Ocean Properties

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean properties by describing the study of aquatic ecosystems, describing the abiotic and biotic factors of aquatic ecosystems, and explaining the properties of seawater.

Ocean and Atmosphere Interactions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean and atmosphere interactions by describing the theory of plate tectonics and ocean formation, explaining the impacts of weather, explaining the impacts of climate, and explaining the relationship between ocean and atmosphere.

Ocean Movement

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean movement by explaining types of seasonal and successional change, describing elements of ocean energy, and describing coastline dynamics.

Ocean Life

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean life by explaining marine biodiversity and natural selection, describing characteristics of marine populations, and analyzing interactions within marine habitats.

Ocean Interactions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean interactions by describing connections between marine ecosystems and energy exchange, explaining relationships among marine organisms, and describing the human impact on the marine environment.


Students will demonstrate an understanding of conservation by explaining marine conservation issues, analyzing types of marine resources, and describing the protection of the ocean.


Experiences allow you to explore a career field you’re curious about while mastering competencies for school credit. Through experiential learning, you will learn skills and apply them to tasks you would complete as part of a career rather than completing traditional assessments like essays or tests. During your Experience, you’ll work with a professional in the field to support your learning whom we call a “mentor.” You’ll earn a badge for your accomplishments to share on social media and higher education platforms, or with colleges, potential employers, peers, and colleagues to display your qualifications.

Here’s how Experiences work:

  • Each competency you work on is addressed through a separate deliverable predetermined by you and your instructor.
  • Guided learning for each module consists of research and/or work with a professional in the field. Your instructor will coach you through this process.
  • Each module culminates in a final demonstration of understanding, which includes a deliverable and a discussion-based assessment with your instructor.
  • Here’s an example:
    Let’s say you’re curious about a career in healthcare. You decide you’d like to learn about this career area, make a professional connection, earn a badge, and meet competencies for your 9th-grade English requirement. While enrolled in English 1 Experiences, you conduct research to better understand language and structure in writing. Then you may work with an Occupational Therapist to help apply your writing skills to the creation of an informational video about adaptive equipment for patients. The video aims to advise family members of patients regarding the use of accommodations and equipment to help patients perform daily tasks. Now you’ve earned the Language and Structure in Writing competency! This is just one example of the many ways Experiences can bridge competencies to careers.

Obtaining a Mentor: Prior to enrollment, please have an idea for a mentor in mind. We have partnered with hundreds of mentors you can work with during your Experience, who you can find in our Career Mentor Catalog here. Or, you may consult with our counseling department by emailing [email protected] for help in identifying one.

*A parent/guardian permission form and background check of the mentor are both required to work with mentors without parental supervision.




Ocean Properties

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean properties by describing the study of aquatic ecosystems, describing the abiotic and biotic factors of aquatic ecosystems, and explaining the properties of seawater.

Ocean and Atmosphere Interactions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean and atmosphere interactions by describing the theory of plate tectonics and ocean formation, explaining the impacts of weather, explaining the impacts of climate, and explaining the relationship between ocean and atmosphere.

Ocean Movement

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean movement by explaining types of seasonal and successional change, describing elements of ocean energy, and describing coastline dynamics.

Ocean Life

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean life by explaining marine biodiversity and natural selection, describing characteristics of marine populations, and analyzing interactions within marine habitats.

Ocean Interactions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of ocean interactions by describing connections between marine ecosystems and energy exchange, explaining relationships among marine organisms, and describing the human impact on the marine environment.


Students will demonstrate an understanding of conservation by explaining marine conservation issues, analyzing types of marine resources, and describing the protection of the ocean.