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This course, although looking specifically at the experiences of women, is not for girls only. If you are a student interested in exploring the world of women’s studies through viewing several films and open-minded enough to explore issues involving women’s issues and social change, this course is for you.
Note: Adult themes are explored directly and maturely in this course and the films viewed. This material may not be appropriate for middle school or early high school students.
Students will need to have access to the following movies to complete this course. Typically movies can be accessed at local libraries for free. Please check the movie ratings.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of challenging stereotypes by describing the nature of stereotypes and their impact on girls, and analyzing the function of role models in society.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of critical thinking for women’s studies by describing the critical thinking process when viewing films, explaining the purpose of thinking critically, and relating literary terminology in the analysis of stories.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of feminism by explaining the concept of feminism and by describing feminist history.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of gender-role development by explaining the nature versus nurture debate in gender-role development, and analyzing the influence of gender socialization.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of innovative thinkers by explaining creative campaign strategies and summarizing the qualities of inspirational thinkers.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of interlocked forms of oppression by evaluating the intersections between forms of oppression and evaluating the role discrimination plays in oppression
Students will demonstrate an understanding of social hierarchies by explaining social stratification, describing media influences on girls, and summarizing media literacy.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of women’s studies by summarizing the history of women’s studies, describing the women’s studies curriculum, and explaining the role of emotional intelligence.