Salut! Get set for some more adventure! In French II, students are immersed in the French language and culture. This course is full of engaging and interactive videos, dialogs, presentations, self-checks, and much more!
The purpose of this course is to further develop the French communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In French II, students will broaden their French vocabulary and knowledge of grammar. Students will also experience the beauty and expressiveness of a language that is shared by different people and cultures throughout the world.
Note: content varies depending on course version. For currently enrolled students, please refer to the syllabus located in the course information area for curriculum specifics.
Home and chores
French sounds and accents
Regular and irregular verbs ending in -er, -ir, and -re verbs
Irregular verbs (être, avoir, faire, aller, sortir, partir, prendre)
Imperative and negative form of the imperative
Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Martin and Saint Barthélémie
Stem changing verbs
Fabrics of the DROM TOM, use
Possessive adjectives and expressions
Verbs vivre and voir
Morning and evening routines
French Polynesian outfits and cosmetics
Reflexive verbs
School and time expressions
Higher education in France and French Polynesia
Verbs prendre, comprendre, apprendre,
Questions (formation, question words, intonations and inversion)
Negative expressions
Adverbs in the affirmative and negative
Visiting the doctor’s office and hospital
French medical discoveries
Alternative medicine
La Réunion Island
Expression avoir mal à…
Verbs pouvoir and vouloir
Living healthy
Verbs courir and boire
Expression il faut … and devoir
School vacations and activities during vacations
Les châteaux de la Loire
Imperfect tense and trigger expressions
La Guyane
French technological innovations
Weather expressions
Celebrations and holidays
When to use the imperfect
Vacationing (beach, mountains, countryside)
La Nouvelle Calédonie
Famous people from DROM TOM
Passé composé with avoir and être
Passé composé and imparfait
Expression il y a
Beach, mountains, and countryside animals
St. Pierre et Miquelon and clothing you need in a cold climate, use n
Writing numbers from 1,000 to one million
Future tense and near future w/ aller
Post high school paths
Irregular future tense (être/avoir/aller/faire/venir)
Present of irregular verbs (offrir/recevoir/apercevoir/écrire/lire)
Working and wages in US and France
C’est + noun vs. Il/Elle est + adjective (w/professions)
Verb connaître and savoir in the present and past tenses
Besides engaging students in challenging curriculum, VLACS guides students to reflect on their learning and to evaluate their progress through a variety of assessments. Assessments can be in the form of practice work files with self-checks, exams, speaking, listening, and writing assignments (short research essays in English and French, short paragraphs in French) projects, and discussion-based assessments. Instructors evaluate progress and provide interventions through the variety of assessments built into a course, as well as through contact with the student in other venues.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the present tense of regular and irregular verbs, imperative forms, regular and irregular adjectives, prepositions of location, and ordinal numbers through ten by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as home-related activities.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of reflexive verbs, irregular -re verbs, asking questions using inversion, negative expressions, and adverbs by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as activities and routines.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of reflexive and irregular verbs, and negative constructions by interpreting and communicating information in written and spoken French on topics such as routines, health and parts of the body.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of expressing needs, irregular verbs, object pronouns, and expressions of quantity by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as health-related topics.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of passé composé with avoir and être, the passé composé in question and negative formats by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as animals and outdoor activities.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of imperfect with regular and irregular verbs, past tense expressions, and combining past tenses by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as family-related activities.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the future tense with regular and irregular verbs, expressing location, savoir vs connaître, impersonal phrases, and forms of tout by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as careers and future plans.