In this course, you learn the basic French language. You will be able to engage in short conversations in French, including greeting people, introducing yourself, and exchanging basic information with others about school, family, friends, food, shopping, house, activities, and the city. You will also explore the cultures of France and francophone Europe by learning about geography, foods, celebrations, and traditions from each place. Bon Voyage! Enjoy the trip!
Segment One:
Segment 2:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the singular forms of AVOIR, indefinite versus definite articles, numbers to 60, adjectives, and nouns by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as clothing, school, and schedules.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of cognates and borrowed words, numbers to 20, descriptive adjectives, and singular subject pronouns by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as exchanging personal information.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of plural subject pronouns, ER verbs, the negative form, AVOIR expressions, and IR verbs by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as communicating likes and dislikes, and francophone dining traditions.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of ALLER, partitive articles, -RE verbs, numbers to 1,000, irregular -IR verbs, recent past tense, and near future tense by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of location descriptions, preposition use, FAIRE, AIMER plus infinitives, and stem-changing verbs by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as home, activities, and pastimes.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of possessive and irregular adjectives, ÊTRE, questions, and numbers to 100 by interpreting and communicating in written and spoken French on topics such as family.