
Elementary Social Studies Grade 4

1.0 Credit
36 weeks

Elementary Social Studies at VLACS uses a personal approach to teach students about community and citizenship. Students learn about history, geography, and economics. They analyze reading passages to improve their comprehension and writing skills. In this fourth grade course, student focus on New Hampshire history.

Please view the Elementary Parents Guide for Grades 3-5 with guidance on helping your student transition to online learning and thrive at VLACS.

Major Topics and Concepts

Module 01Geography

  • 01.00 Module One Introduction
  • 01.01 On the Map
  • 01.02 Weathering the Storm
  • 01.03 People and the Environment
  • 01.04 Cultural Geography
  • 01.05 Module One Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 01.06 Module One Assessment

Module 02Early Beginnings

  • 02.00 Module Two Introduction
  • 02.01 Native Americans
  • 02.02 Explorers
  • 02.03 Impact of Colonization
  • 02.04 Module Two Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 02.05 Module Two Assessment

Module 03Times of Transition

  • 03.00 Module Three Introduction
  • 03.01 Nations in Control
  • 03.02 Mission Life
  • 03.03 Fort Life
  • 03.04 Conflicts
  • 03.05 Territory Transformation
  • 03.06 Module Three Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 03.07 Module Three Assessment

Module 04Civil War and Reconstruction

  • 04.00 Module Four Introduction
  • 04.01 The Pioneer Life
  • 04.02 Technological Advances
  • 04.03 Becoming a State
  • 04.04 Civil War
  • 04.05 Reconstruction
  • 04.06 Module Four Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 04.07 Module Four Assessment

Module 05Industrialization

  • 05.00 Module Five Introduction
  • 05.01 Chugging Along
  • 05.02 Spanish American War
  • 05.03 Making a Mark
  • 05.04 Module Five Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 05.05 Module Five Assessment

Module 06A New Century

  • 06.00 Module Six Introduction
  • 06.01 Boom and Bust
  • 06.02 Troubled Times
  • 06.03 Another War
  • 06.04 Module Six Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 06.05 Module Six Assessment

Module 07Modern Times

  • 07.00 Module Seven Introduction
  • 07.01 Moving Forward
  • 07.02 State Industries
  • 07.03 Tourist Time
  • 07.04 National and World Economy
  • 07.05 Module Seven Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 07.06 Module Seven Assessment

Module 08Civics and Government

  • 08.00 Module Eight Introduction
  • 08.01 51 Constitutions?
  • 08.02 Seeing All the Branches
  • 08.03 State or Local?
  • 08.04 United We Stand
  • 08.05 Together We Are Stronger
  • 08.06 Module Eight Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 08.07 Module Eight Assessment

Module 09Financial Literacy

  • 09.00 Module Nine Introduction
  • 09.01 Starting with the Basics
  • 09.02 Budget Time
  • 09.03 Earning Money
  • 09.04 Why Save?
  • 09.05 Money Moves
  • 09.06 Module Nine Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
  • 09.07 Module Nine Assessment

Course Materials

To achieve success, students are expected to submit work in each course weekly. Students can learn at their own pace; however, “any pace” still means that students must make progress in the course every week. To measure learning, students complete self-checks, practice lessons, multiple choice questions, projects, discussion-based assessments, and discussions. Students and families are expected to maintain regular contact with teachers because, when teachers, students, and parents work together, students are successful.

Required Materials – Please view the list of materials before registering.


Becoming the United States

I can identify nations that controlled colonies in the United States. I can explain the purpose of missions. I can explain the purpose of forts. I can describe the causes and effects of the American Revolution. I can describe the causes and effects of the War of 1812. I can summarize the major treaties that expanded the territory of the United States.


I can identify entrepreneurs who helped grow the United States economy in the 1800s. I can explain the effects of industry on the economy of a state. I can summarize the causes and effects of the Spanish American War. I can compare the influences on immigrantion to the United States. I can explain the contributions of immigrant groups towards the growth of the United States.

Map Elements

I can identify physical and cultural features of a state. I can explain the purpose of map elements. I can compare weather and climate. I can describe human interaction with the natural environment. I can explain the impact of different cultures on a region.

North American Discoveries

I can compare the Native American tribes of my state. I can compare primary and secondary sources. I can summarize European exploration of North America. I can describe the causes and effects of European colonization of North America.

Pioneers to Reconstruction

I can describe the life of a pioneer. I can explain the process for a territory to become a state. I can summarize the causes and effects of the Civil War. I can describe the challenges of the Reconstruction period.

Boom and Bust

I can describe life in the United States during the early 1900s. I can summarize the causes and effects of the Great Depression. I can identify the causes and effects of WW II.

Financial Literacy

I can summarize the reasons people make spending choices. I can explain the use of budgets. I can evaluate the opportunities and risks of owning a business. I can explain saving decisions. I can explain the reasons people use credit.


I can compare the United States and individual state constitutions. I can explain the structure and function of the three branches of government. I can compare state and local governments. I can summarize civic responsibility.

State Economy

I can summarize the Civil Rights movement. I can explain the value of tourism for a state. I can analyze the interdependence of state, national, and global economies.