
Elementary Arts & Crafts Grade Kb

.25 Credits
18 weeks

As the section portion of the Elementary Arts and Crafts course, students will focus on using their learned skills to create more intricate art pieces. Projects in this class include building a bird feeder, creating pig puppets, making paper flowers, preparing potpourri, assembling a heart collage, constructing wind chimes, and pressing flowers.

Please view the Elementary Parents Guide for Grades K-2 with guidance on helping your student transition to online learning and thrive at VLACS.

Major Topics and Concepts

Major Kb Concepts:
• Collage
• Crafts
• Weaving
• Bubble painting

Course Materials

A pupil may enter kindergarten if his/her chronological age will be five before October 1st of the year of entering school. For a complete description of the policy, please see Policy JEB Age of Entrance.

To achieve success, students are expected to submit work in each course weekly. Students can learn at their own pace; however, “any pace” still means that students must make progress in the course every week. To measure learning, students complete self-checks, practice lessons, multiple choice questions, projects, discussion-based assessments, and discussions. Students and families are expected to maintain regular contact with teachers because, when teachers, students, and parents work together, students are successful.

Required Materials – Please view the List of Materials before registering.



I can describe characteristics of clay. I can create a mobile using clay.

Clay Beads

I can describe how to make clay beads. I can create a necklace using clay beads.

Clay Techniques

I can describe the pinch pot technique. I can describe the clay scratching technique. I can create a pinch pot.


I can describe a stencil. I can create a stencil.

Pressed Flowers

I can describe the purpose of pressing flowers. I can explain how to press flowers.

Bird Feeder

I can describe the purpose of a bird feeder. I can create a bird feeder.


I can define weaving. I can weave yarn.

Nature in Art

I can provide examples of nature in art. I can create a spider web.

Finger Knitting

I can describe finger knitting. I can create a hot pad.


I can describe the history of beads. I can create a beaded snake.

Bead Buddies

I can describe bead buddies. I can create a bead buddy.

Friendship Bracelet

I can describe the history of a friendship bracelet. I can create a friendship bracelet.

Popcorn Art

I can describe different types of popcorn art. I can create popcorn art.


I can use a variety of shapes in my sculpture. I can create a three-dimensional sculpture.

Noodle Art

I can explain how to dye noodles. I can create noodle art.


I can define molds. I can explain the steps for making paper pulp. I can create paper molds.

Abstract Art

I can define abstract art. I can create an abstract sculptures.

Recycled Art

I can name the recycled objects used in my recycled instrument. I can create a musical instrument using recycled items.